my busiess  is  going to  help people who needs help and  in my website  you can help  people  to get the money.and  my website     help  people in  haiti. the people need the help  and  i  want to  help  the  haiti.  it is a fun  to  help  the people need the money  and the people  they  the help .  the people in haiti  they need the get a help  they  get the same job.  some job in  the people in  the  money  and it  is a good to help  the  people in  haiti.  haiti   need  to  get some   get some money  to  buy  some food.   people need  to have the  help    people  they  want to get the help.  and if you want  to gave the  money  to   the people want to get  some help. and it is a good to help  the peolpe who need to get the help and the peolpe need to   have some money and they want to  have a good job but some job they do  not  have a lot of  money to buy some  food and thang.   the  job is not good and the people in  haiti  they  do not have  a lot  of  the money  to  buy some food.  want  i help  the people  who  need help  i  felt  good when  i have  the  job they need to have to  get the  money.          


